• Family Portraits

    Urban Vintage Family Portraits in Oakland

    Gritty. Urban. Retro. Chic. These are not usually the words you’d associate with family portraits, but for this family, they are a perfect fit. The Dallas family wanted artistic family photographs that juxtaposed a gritty, urban environment against their elegant formal…

  • Personal

    Thoughts on Photography

    Earlier this summer I gave a talk on photography during an Alameda Business Network meeting at the local Elks Lodge. Having spoken to the group before I wanted this time to touch on some of the reasons why photography is…

  • Personal

    Road Trip!

    The end of the school year had us taking a few days off last week to drive down to Southern California to pick our son Avery up from his first year of college! Since we have a pretty busy summer…

  • Nature Photography

    Baby Hummingbirds!

    Last month I shared a photo of a hummingbird in her nest. This month you get to see the babies she was nesting. Aren’t these two cuties extra sweet? View Post They are so tiny and still growing their beaks!…